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Interview with Laura Blankenship (Ph.D. ’07)

Laura Blankenship, who graduated from the doctoral program in 2007, has pursued an exciting career path in academia that has not involved the traditional tenure-track route. Read our interview with her, below, in which she reviews how she came to our graduate program in English, decided on a technology-focused dissertation topic for her English Ph.D.,…Continue Reading Interview with Laura Blankenship (Ph.D. ’07)

Interview with Jeff Ayers (B.A. ’11)

B.A. alum Jeff Ayers, an English and creative writing teacher at Rogers High School in northwest Arkansas, recently published Skate the Thief, his first book in what will be a trilogy, The Rag and Bone Chronicles. We had the chance to visit with Jeff about his time as an English undergraduate, who/what all inspires his…Continue Reading Interview with Jeff Ayers (B.A. ’11)

Interview with Luke Carothers (M.A. ’18)

After M.A. alum Luke Carothers graduated in 2018, having specialized in Cultural Studies, he launched into an exciting non-academic career, working first at JJ’s Beer Garden and Brewing Co. as Trivia Host and Creator and now at Civil + Structural Engineer Media as Editor and Content Specialist. In our recent interview with him, below, he…Continue Reading Interview with Luke Carothers (M.A. ’18)

Undergraduate Literary Magazine, _The Diamond Line_, Launched in 2020

The first two issues of the new undergraduate literary magazine, The Diamond Line, were released in 2020. Developed by students enrolled in the department’s Literary Magazine Production course, The Diamond Line features fiction, poetry, and visual art submitted by undergraduate students at the University of Arkansas. In the interview, below, we talk with Jane Blunschi,…Continue Reading Undergraduate Literary Magazine, _The Diamond Line_, Launched in 2020

Interview with Brody Parrish Craig (M.F.A. ’17)

M.F.A. alum Brody Parrish Craig’s poetry collection, Boyish, published by the University of Chicago Press, will be released this April. We recently visited with Brody about the process of putting together this award-winning collection, their development of the new literary magazine Twang, Geffrey Davis’s Literary Publishing course (a favorite of Brody’s), another author’s recent collection…Continue Reading Interview with Brody Parrish Craig (M.F.A. ’17)